Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

You might assume that cybercriminals only have eyes for big corporations or those with hefty bank accounts. But the truth may surprise you.

Recent studies reveal that cybercriminals are broadening their scope, targeting businesses of all sizes, from local shops to multinational corporations. And they’re employing a powerful tool called “botnets” to do it.

What exactly are botnets, and why should you be concerned? Botnets are the covert weapons of cybercrime, comprised of networks of compromised devices controlled by a single malicious entity. These devices can range from your computer to even your smart refrigerator. Yes, even appliances can be turned into cyber weapons.

A recent report documented significant spikes in botnet activity, with over a million devices engaged in malicious actions at one point. To put this into perspective, it’s a hundredfold increase from typical levels of activity.

Normally, around 10,000 devices engage in malicious activities daily, with the highest previously recorded number at 20,000. However, in December 2023, these numbers skyrocketed. The count surged to 35,144, and within two weeks, it soared to 43,194. That’s a concerning number of compromised devices.

But it didn’t stop there; researchers witnessed the largest spike yet, with a staggering 143,957 distinct devices being utilized simultaneously. In fact, on January 5th and 6th, there were spikes exceeding a million devices!

Why are cybercriminals resorting to such tactics? These botnets are deployed to scour the internet for vulnerabilities in websites, servers, and email systems.

Think of the internet as a fortress with numerous entry points. Cybercriminals search for unlocked doors and open windows to infiltrate. They target specific “ports” that serve as entryways.

How can you shield yourself from these digital threats?

It boils down to fortifying those entry points. Here are some straightforward measures:

  • Keep your software, operating systems, and applications updated regularly to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Employ robust firewall and antivirus software to safeguard your devices.
  • Educate your staff about cybersecurity best practices, including avoiding suspicious links and emails.
  • Implement strong, unique passwords for all accounts and devices.
  • Back up your data routinely to mitigate losses in the event of a cyberattack.
  • Monitor your network for any abnormal activities.
  • Consider enlisting the expertise of a cybersecurity professional (like us) to evaluate and enhance your security protocols.

If you’re interested in bolstering your business’s defences, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you stay protected.